Name: My name is Angela Sbandelli
Date and place of birth: I was born the 4th december 1982 in Siena (Italy)
Web: http://www.ohiboillustrations.com/Angela.html
Blog: http://angelasbandelli.blogspot.com/
M&G: Artistic studies?
Angela: After high school where I studied to become an accounter-programmer I realized that math actually wasn't meant for me, so I attended Communications Science at the University of Florence while taking animation class at the Nemo Digital Art Academy in Florence.

M&G: What was your first job as illustrator?
Angela: My first work experience was as an animator, the most important project I have contributed to do was the animated tv serie for young children “Pipi, Pupu and Rosmary” which was based on Anna Laura Cantone's illustrations. That got me closer to the world of children's book.

My first work was a sticker book serie about a Princess Named Olivia for a Belgian publisher in 2011 but at that time I have already worked on illustrated book (as colorist) in team with Laura Raveggi -Ohibò Group- both for commissioned and personal books.
M&G: What´s your best work until now?
Angela: The Wizard of Oz adapted for young readers in primary school. It will be published by summer.

M&G: What inspires you?
Angela: Could be everything! Every day life, my cats, music, movies, books...
M&G: Got a favorite technique?
Angela: I usually draw a quick pencil sketch of the main characters and then complete it with background and details on the computer.

M&G: What´s your favorite illustrated book?
Angela: When night didn't come by Poly Bernatene. He is one my favorite illustrators, this is a book completely illustrated, there's no word in it but it tells a wonderful story anyway.

M&G: Favorite animated movie?
Angela: Disney Beauty and the Beast and more recent Dreamworks Dragon Trainer. I find they are just perfect from Character design to animations, from story to soundtrack, everything!
And also My neighbour Totoro, as a friend of mine once said: kids shouldn't be allowed to leave childhood without seeing it :)
M&G: Do you indentify yourself with any animated character? Which one?
Angela: I couldn't say... but people sometimes tell me that I remind them of some pink sparkling fairy :)

M&G: Do you have a preferred illustrator?
Angela: Well there are so many illustrator I like! One of my favorite definitly is Richard Scarry I loved his books when I was a child and I still love them now.
But looking around the web I find new great illustrator almost everyday!
M&G: Recommend us a website or blog that you especially like:
Angela: http://robadadisegnatori.blogspot.com/
This blog contains a lot of very useful informations for illustrators.

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